Congratulations! Got kiddos in your life? Then the rest of your holiday season will probs be filled with nights of shopping and cookie-baking, and not as much grown-up play as you’re used to.
Congratulations! Got kiddos in your life? Then the rest of your holiday season will probs be filled with nights of shopping and cookie-baking, and not as much grown-up play as you’re used to.
We know you wouldn’t trade in the werk for all the littleton delight this time of year spreads. Neither would we. But that doesn’t mean we can’t inject a little extra cheer into our own late-night reindeer games.
(And you go right ahead and take that any way you want.)
If your date nights out have morphed into wrap-fests in, huzzah! Here’s our slapdash list of tasty add-ins, swaps and ooh-la-las you can apply to some of our favorite nut milks and juices. Promise they’ll make you taste like you’re out on the town when all you’re really doing is libating through another Elf On A Shelf tableau.
We bee here for you. We admire you. So go fix these drinks. Most serve two or four adults but sharing’s optional. Beecuase while holidaying for a month is hard AF there’s no reason why it can’t taste great. #IfYoureGonnaBeeBadBeRealGoodAtIt
Non-Nog: 1 Singleton (16 ounces) Bee Magnificent; 4 ounces of either rum, brandy or bourbon or for a more traditional interpretation, a combo of all three; 1 strong shake of cinnamon and nutmeg. Combine in a high-speed blender (for froth…and if the kids are still up) or a shaker (for speed) and serve over ice. Repeat if necessary…beecuase spoiler alert: Santa really doesn’t know when you’re naughty. Note we said “when” not “if.”
Goldish Milk: 1 Singleton (16 ounces) Bee Legendary; 1 teaspoon ground ginger; 1 teaspoon rose water (optional); 2 ounces rum (not optional); freshly ground black pepper to taste. Gently heat on a stove until warm but not boiling OR combine in a high-speed blender (for froth…and if the kids are still up) or a shaker (for speed). Drink before bed and not a moment before you’re done with that elfin effer.
UnCosmopolitan: 1 Singleton (16 ounces) Bee Cosmopolitan; 2 ounces no-sugar-added cranberry juice (we like Apple & Eve); 4 ounces organic vodka (we like Prairie Organic Spirits); 2 ounces triple sec or cointreau; two shakes Angostura bitters. Combine in a shaker over ice and serve as many people as you’re willing even if it’s only yourself.
Rock Toddy: 1 Singleton (16 ounces) Bee Royal; 4 ounces bourbon or rye whiskey; ¼ teaspoon cinnamon, allspice or nutmeg; ½ teaspoon organic vanilla extract. Warm over a low flame to preserve the alcohol as well as your sanity.
Hot ChaCha: 1 Singleton (16 ounces) Bee Happy; 3 teaspoons matcha (we think GotMatcha’s black-label is bomb); 2 teaspoons maca (we like Moon Juice’s but you can use any brand); 2 teaspoons coconut butter or coconut oil; 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon. Combine in a saucepan over low heat and don’t allow to boil. Best enjoyed at the end of your night when you can smile on your accomplishments and gear up for another day of do-gooding.