Eating seasonable is just plain reasonable…and this is one TJS special that will keep your summer sipping interesting.
We love consistency just like the next bee, but part of the joy of sourcing The Juice Standard’s organic produce, nuts, grains and seeds (from as many local purveyors as we can) is that we get to weave flavors in an out of our menu as the season allows. And for summer, that means one of our favorites is back in the rotation.
WHAT: Bee Chill
WHY: Packed with super-hydrating watermelon, cooling cucumber and alkalizing lemon that helps undo some of the acidic hurt we suffer from digesting processed foods, not only does Bee Chill help keep your insides clean but it’s the antidote to heat no matter where you live. How? Bee Chill’s main ingredient is watermelon…and if all you ever thought was that this quintessential picnic add-on was just a go-to portable fruit, watermelon has some unsung health bennies:

We bee grateful for orgs like that help keep us juice-u-cated about the produce we freaking love to press!
- It’s low in sugar (so it’s good for diabetics);
- It flushes out kidneys (which helps keep them in good health); and,
- It has decent amount of vitamins and minerals that make it a sweet treat that’s actually good for you.
HEALTHY THINKING BEYOND THE BOTTLE: If you haven’t already, something you’ll notice when you start replacing processed sugars or other foods with tasty bits from Mother Nature (like watermelon) is that your body will start craving the new tastes…but if you’re smart, it won’t just be your body that does the craving!
TJS COO and Co-Founder Marcella Williams-Melnichuk has had her kids on a healthy diet for so long that when they were littletons, they thought of dates as candy! Our point? With enough exposure, drinks like Bee Chill and others in the TJS repertoire can taste just as good as that craptastic carbonated canned stuff we thought was a treat when we were kids. So when you can, see what you can swap out of your everyday repertoire and swap in from ours. From hardcore organic green juice to more newbee flavors with natural sweetness from organic carrot and apple (and even honey and spices in our nut milks), there’s something for everyone with an open mind and an open mouth.
(And seriously: Just THINK what our health would be like today if one of the most iconic ads in all of ad-dom featured colorful, juice-filled bottles?)
We really think we can change our drinking habits a bottle at a time. Don’t you?