You’ve probably long known ginger is a powerhouse in the healthy lifestyle department, but do you know why? Decades of research backs this root’s benefits. Here’s why TJS loves it (and why you should, too).

Our Wellness and Flu Shots are just two ways to spice up your life (and health) the TJS way…with ginger!
TJS’ CEO and Co-Founder Jamie Stephenson is our resident juice-u-cator when it comes to keeping us honest about the bennies in our products’ ingredients. But since even she (and the rest of us!) have to look stuff up every now and then, a recent surf of the Internets pulled up a not-so-recent yet still-so-relevant study about one heck of a powerful little root. And as usual, one bite from the ol’ Information Apple led us down a path to more research and taught us even more about one of The Juice Standard’s most relied upon ingredients: Ginger.
The article that really opened our eyes—Ginger Inhibits Cell Growth and Modulates Angiogenic Factors In Ovarian Cancer Cells—lives at, a site maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health in Washington, D.C. Though written in 2007, the abstract calls out ovarian cancer as “the most lethal gynecologic malignancy” and the fifth highest cause of death by cancer in women.
But once you get over the article’s fright factor, it’s enlightening to learn how ginger may potentially prevent the development of a certain pathway in an ovarian cancer cell thanks to its anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties.
That spicy research is far from isolated as ginger has been the focus of medical studies for decades. In the abstract of a 2005 study, Ginger—An Herbal Medicinal Product With Broad Anti-Inflammatory Actions, it’s noted that since the 70s, ginger has been identified as an “herbal medicinal product that shares pharmacological properties with non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs” and that it “modulates biochemical pathways activated in chronic inflammation.” All that from something you can pick up from your local grocery store.
The mentions above substantiate what The Juice Standard has long beelieved:
The road to WHealth and glowing self is paved with the tops of juice bottles…not bottles of meds.
Course we beelieve there’s a place for Western medicine. A huge place. But isn’t it a good feeling to know there’s a food-based tool like ginger that when added to our let’s-keep-ourselves-healthy arsenal, we can stave off disease-causing inflammation? Isn’t it a good feeling to know that YOU, our Beeautiful Juicers, may choose to control some of your own health destiny?
Yepper. We think so, too.
If you want to inject more ginger in your diet, here are the TJS products that will help put you in the driver’s seat of your own health by keeping your internal inflammation down, and your gorgeous health up-up-up:
- Bee WHealthy™
- Bee On Point
- Bee True To You
- Bee Royal (this baby has EXTRA ginger!)
- Bee Grateful
- Bee Legendary (nut milk)
- Flu Shot
- Wellness Shot