We’re not into root-a-toot-tooting our own horns over here, but when we’re proud, we’re proud. And anyone who’s fasted with The Juice Standard knows that the minute you make up your mind to drink ours versus theirs is when the support starts. And support is one of the things we’re praised for most. Grin.
Now, beelievers know that fasts (or “cleanses,” if you prefer that word but we’re going with fast) purge toxins, fats, metals, free radicals, and other ick stuff from your system. But what if you’re on the fence, anyway? Beehold: A TJS Cheat Sheet about why juice fasts are good but TJS juice fasts are best.
- Innards feel “off” and you can’t pinpoint why?
- Late-night, work-travel room service weighing you down?
- Indulging at restaurants more than usual?
- Crave the clarity from sipping pure nutrition?
Disparate answers that all happen to be right. From weight loss and glowy skin to increased energy and inner reflection, juice fasts of one to however-many days you choose calm our insides (and often busy brains, too) by resting the digestive tract from breaking down whole foods and letting it almost effortlessly absorb the nutrient-dense goodness in cold-pressed juice.
Keepin’ it real, here:
1) We’re organic. Not a little organic. Not kinda. Not organic except for when conventional is cheaper. We source organic like these guys are farmers. And not many juice bars can say that and we’re mad proud we can.
2) We’re local. We beelieve freshness is a virtue and instead of cleansing with juice from another part of the country, we cold press what Nevada and its surrounding states so bountifully provide so you may drink local. You’re most certainly welcome.
3) We’re bomb with customer service. Seriously: The best reason to juice fast with TJS is that we all care. Mallory puts a you-can-do-it love note in your juice bag just like momma used to write. Marcella is crazy-ass present at both locations, ever ready to answer questions. And Jamie’s done these fasts so often there’s nothing she won’t take the time to try to answer based on her personal experience alone (and her research skillz rock).
Caring. We all just reallyeffingcare.
We’re not a pop-up. Not a fad. Not a company run by people removed from their product. We are our product. We have standards. And we hope our juice standards are yours.