Patience may be a virtue, but as we await the soft open of our second TJS tomorrow The Hive is mindful of what got us here: positive thinking, a little movie magic and two damn smart women.
In Field Of Dreams, Cutie Kevin Costner—all corn-fed, farmery and hottt-with-three-Ts—walks through his hard-grown corn to the tune of the voices in his head, telling him if he mows his crop, builds a baseball field and hosts an ethereal game-of-all-time, he’ll raise enough dough to pay his mortgage and save his family farm.

“If you build it he will come.” It’s that kind of positive thinking that if used the right way can help us get through anything…even waiting for a new TJS location to open!
FOD and the messages James Earl Jones delivered in his molasses voice gave us some pivotal rah-rah movie moments that speak to the American dream: work hard, believe in something bigger than you, and you’ll be rewarded. At this point in the post, hopeful happy-ending seekers (like moi) might hear The National Anthem or smell some salty Fenway Franks wafting through the screen, but we all know success ain’t that easy. I mean, it is…but it’s not. Markets crash. People lose their jobs and homes. Some get tumors and die young. Some get sick young and live long. You never know. But pragmatics aside, FOD is based on positive thinking. Toss some inspired thought with blind faith, trust, and the support of solid people around you, the only thing that can get in the way of your success is you.
Mike Dooley has made it his mission to help people change their attitude to change their lives. “Thoughts become things, so make ’em good ones.” “Spiritual accountability.” That stuff. If until now that hasn’t been your flavor of prophecy—if you’re more used to living from a place of reaction than of proactive attraction and working to create your future—I want to talk about Jamie and Marcella.
These two are soon to open The Juice Standard’s second location just 14ish months after their first, and I was thinking about the magnitude of that this morning. Almost 2 years ago I sat with them at Eat in Downtown Las Vegas to review exercises we’d done to reveal the type of ‘tude they wanted to imbue their site and social media. And I so vividly remember sitting across from them, thinking that these two are extremely young and vibrant women who could’ve used their smarts and passion for pretty much anything…yet they decided to bring organic, cold-pressed juice to the Valley because they believe in enhancing the healthy mindset of a city known for extravagance.
That’s not bullshit, Bees. These two are in it to win it…for you. They beelieve in their product, and they beelieve in it because they want to bring it to you. Swear.
All said, J & M didn’t know how Las Vegas would react to The Juice Standard. But they hoped people would embrace the idea of healing the body with what’s put in it, not what meds it’s prescribed. They hoped people would go all in with the “your health is your WHealth” thing and start acting like one’s WHealth is their greatest asset. Hell, bennies aside, they even hoped people would chug TJS juice because it tastes so freaking good. And in its first year, TJS made it.
Have there been setbacks? Youbetcha. Way more places sell juice today than a few years ago, so there’s that. When you’re committed to seasonality, menus have to change when ingredients ebb and flow from availability. All organic, all-the-time takes deep dedication when it would be a lot cheaper easier to use conventional produce. And (sigh of all sighs) as of this writing they’re awaiting a soft open on Saturday 18 April after waitingandwaitingandwaiting for months for their beeautiful buildout to finish! But, Marcella’s and Jamie’s positive thinking and commitment to their honest, authentic desires brought not only success on Ft. Apache (we proudly earned “Best Of Las Vegas” accolades by the Review-Journal!)…starting tomorrow it’s bringing a second location.
“If you build it, he will come.” Positive thinking, blahblahblah. Sounds like a container of caca when you’re in an emotional sinkhole. But for believers, positive thinking is a life preserver for the soul. I’m making this up here, but let’s go ahead and call it a soul preserver. Because in your sacred ring of positivity, you’ll bob up and down through whatever shit you’re wading, and though it won’t be the only thing that saves you, you’ll stay just enough buoyant to float, be seen, and grasp something that will.
Soul preserver. Seriously…just made that up. I like it.
Now go get some juice tomorrow at our brand-spanking-new location Jamie and Marcella are calling “The Rose” (2530 St. Rose Pkwy., Henderson, NV 89074). And as we await that soft open, my gentle hope for you today—and the hope from the rest of The Hive!—is that whether you’re drinking TJS juice or not, make some time to nourish your bod in a way that makes you happy, and do a little day dreamin’ about the good stuff you can work toward attracting to your life. Sit quietly. Breathe. Visualize a moment or a sitch from your life as you’d like it played out like a cut scene from FOD (starring you!) streaming in your head. Because in the slightly more spicy words of the righteous Mike Dooley, thinker of all-things positive: “If thoughts become things, make ’em effing good ones.”