OH, Bees! You so sassy. Many of you answered our August call for your beeautifulist photos of TJS bottles, tagged with @TheJuiceStandard and paired with thoughtful comments about why you cleanse. Thanks to your artistry and ability to turn some nice phrases, a choice few earned one- and three-day cleanses on us. We couldn’t have been more proud.
These #WhyICleanse winners were announced Sept. 1, on Instagram:

702rox and her multiple posts throughout the month were the picture of prettiness and peace. “I love juicing for the vitality, energy and nourishment it gives me.”

It’s all in a day’s healthy eating for this bee, who has changed her body thanks to her crazy Crossfit strength; taking a hard and honest look at her diet; and lineups of food and drink like these. “…I’m feeling healthier than ever and these juices are just a little bit of the magic that makes it happen for me. I still eat almost whatever I want, but I’m smarter about it now and think about it more so.”

Ambularlc got points for striking yet simple creativity. This beeauty cleanses “to hit the ‘reset’ button, for both my tastebuds and my mindset!” (Can you believe she’s a working mother of three?!)

We appreciated how many balls in the air this active mum keeps afloat…all while embarking on her first multi-day cleanse, which she did with TJS. “My life is pretty intense with work, #EvanGodyTaylor, the doggies and finding time for myself to work out…I’ve always enjoyed [TJS’s] green juices for breakfast but I’m taking it to the next level. I’m not doing it to lose weight. I’m doing it to feel better.”

This Grammar told us that her re-dedication to her vegetarian lifestyle started with a Standard Cleanse day like this. “TJS has such an awesome team. You can tell they’re genuine and want to provide their customers with the best organic products.”

This artful arrangement and equally artful sentiment won us over. “I turn to The Juice Standard when I need a pick-me-up. When my mind and my body are tired, I can refuel myself with their juices….Better yet, all the workers really help me learn about the many benefits that these juices have. Cleansing give me the energy and confidence to accomplish more throughout the day.”

This lovely styling got our juices flowing, but her sentiment was bomb.com. “Everything in moderation is a saying I like to go by. But when those cheese enchiladas that you’ve had a huge hankering for turn into a weekend full of margaritas, you need to bring yourself back down to the earth from that heaven. So, you find a different heaven that is The Juice Standard. Juicing makes me feel alive, whole and bright like the sun. Simply put, these juices make me feel oh-so-happy and taste really yummy.”
And here’s what some of you other clever kids had to say:
erikalove92: “#WhyICleanse: I cleanse because it is both mentally and physically challenging…but that is the best part. I am strengthened physically and mentally. I cleanse because I say #FxckCancer and all diseases! I once read, “Treat your body like it belongs to someone you love,” and that is why I cleanse: because I decided to love…me.”
trustlife: “#WhyICleanse: Four years ago I decided to start loving my body and treating it with respect. Replacing alcohol with cold-pressed juices has completely transformed my life! I’m healthier, happier and more fit than I’ve ever been! Thank you to The Juice Standard for keeping my nutrient levels at their optimum!”
corny_rae: “#WhyICleanse: I was born without a thyroid, so it’s very important for me to do everything I can to stay energized and well. The Juice Standard has the best juices for this. When I cleanse with The Juice Standard, I feel mentally and physically energized. I make huge strides on my journey to a fitter, healthier me!”
hellokaylaranaenails: “#WhyICleanse: I have yet to have the opportunity to do a [cleanse] but I am dying to…I’ve seen many other juice companies but I am always drawn right back to you!…You are the only company I’ve come across that is involved. You all truly believe in what you are doing and truly love your products. Your company’s customer service is beyond words and nothing is better than great customer service.”
simply_kaygee: “Juices from The Juice Standard are always something that I love to treat myself to. (Yup: I consider something healthy like this a treat.) I cleanse for ME, since it makes me feel great, less bloated, and much lighter and refreshed! It [brings me] one step closer to my fitness goals and has always been one of the best ways to bring out the healthier and happier me.”
determined_jenny: “#WhyICleanse: Practice peace, get rid of all those toxins, purify your surroundings and enhance love to the Universe.”
We’re beeyond thankful for all the participants’ love. Didn’t win? We hope you’re encouraged to visit us and give our rainbow of juices and flavors a try. Complimentary tastings guided by our amazing staff are available every day.
Last thing? Instagrammer erikalove92 included a quote in one of her posts that we just love:
“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” ~Hippocrates
Couldn’t agree more. 🐝