(…And Other Funny Things To Tell Your Kids To Drink Green Juice)
Years ago I was a writer for a media company that had Breville as a client, and my main job was to blog about the best ways to use Breville products here at Food Thinkers…either by sharing recipes or outside-the-box ideas for multitasking its tools.
Breville is well known for its counter-top ovens and tea brewers but is especially popular for its centrifugal juicers. Now, lots of budding home juicers start out with centrifugals because they’re user and wallet friendly. But once juice fans increase their juicy knowledge and learn why bumping and grinding produce in a centrifugal isn’t the best way to squeeze juice from produce (#pressedisbest, and so are masticating machines like the Omega), home juicers often graduate to other kinds of machines (or, cough, buy bypass the whole home-juicing mess and pick up product from TJS). But to be fair, a Breville machine is a great step toward improving one’s WHealth™ and glowing self. No judgment.
Anyhoo. One of the most fun posts I wrote was tailored around a funny little tweet that a parent posted to Twitter responding to something we’d said (can’t remember what). The topic was about getting kids to eat foods they find too icky to touch because they’re green, and the Twitterer’s suggestion for getting more WHealth-friendly avocados into a tot’s little bod was to call it “martian butter.”
Brill, right? In my post, I played off the Tweeter’s superb suggestion by noting that the color of certain foods can be a real hang up for lots of people. Granted, parents hope kids outgrow their arbitrary culinary dislikes by tweendom, but the fact is, we eat with our eyes long before food hits our mouth. So kids are right: If something looks gross, we’ll probably avoid it.
All said, I’m a firm believer that if you can start kids on a WHealthy-eating path from being really young, and if you happen to be blessed with a littleton with a sense of humor, their natural monkey-see-monkey-do’ness can have them downing the same green juice that you do. Just tell ‘em it’s “Martian Juice!”
And have fun with it! Pour it in a sippy cup, or put it in one of those Duralex, perfect-for-little-hands tempered glasses that European kids (and all the children I’ve cared for or nannied) have been drinking out of for eons. That way they’ll be able to see just how green it is.
Wanna test our theory? TJS’ Bee WHealthy is a little less “greeny” than our other green juices thanks to some sweetness from apple, but as we shared in our March 28 Facebook post, kids like Sterling and Maximus Sylver love drinking what their mum and dad do…and their favorite happens to be the very grown up Bee Alkaline.

This is still one of our fave pics in TJS Store Lore: Back in 2015 when this piece first ran, Sterling was 4 (in the Spidey hat) and Maximus was 2, as they pointed to their fave TJS juice (and one of our greenest): Bee Alkaline. For real.
We think it’s the kid-friendly cuke that makes that one so addictive, and its addictiveness is exactly what makes green juice satisfying enough for any man, woman, child…or martian.