Biohacking is a techie term referring to the ways we can all tweak the best parts of ourselves (or, improve areas that need improving!). The beauty of it? Different tweaks to our diet, sleep and exercise can be tested based on our individual needs with the endgame goal that’s usually the same for all of us: total WHealth™.
Clear mind. Lithe body. Springy step.
Sound like feelings you’d like to reclaim from your youth? Or maybe you’re already one fly young buck who has time on their side but not a healthy constitution.
Honestly, it matters not why you want to get WHealthy™ since we’re here to say there’s a proverbial “app” for that…or rather, a “hack.” And it’s called biohacking.
Heard much about biohacking lately? Probably, since it feels like everyone and their doctor’s bruh has something they’re testing on themselves to improve their health. If biohacking is bio-new to you, in simplest terms, it’s kinda like conducting your very own DIY biology experiment, where you, your bod and your diet are the control for testing health-improvement tactics in the name of feeling better, shining brighter and living longer (read: healthier!).
In recent history, one of the foremost health-crazed biohackers has been Dave Asprey…basically, the Godfather of Bulletpoof Coffee™. (Shameless plug: If you like your coffee all buttered up…must try ours.)
In The Juice Standard’s world, biohacking is incredibly significant since it’s at the core of what we do when we help our Fanbees to fast using scrumptious, cold-pressed juice made from the freshest 100 percent organic produce we can get our hands on. But in the true spirit of biohacking, even the concept of fasting goes beyond simply lowering your calorie intake.
“You are what you eat” is an old adage that rings true today…but more than being the sum total of every bite you put in your mouth, eating smartly in today’s world isn’t always about what you eat… it’s also about when you eat. And if poor eating habits or a maddening sluggish digestive system have ever reared their ugly heads in your world, science says that the simple act of fasting is having far more of an impact on our health than simply making it easier to drop a few quick pounds of water weight.

The Juice Standard’s Green Fast can be great tool for folks dabbling in daily intermittent fasting (or, intermittent fasting two days a week). Its carefully combined juices deliver everything you need to give your digestion a hard-earned break. And kinda like feeding cars the high-test stuff, bennies include increased energy, glowy skin and a re-calibrated system.
Fasting is helping people live longer, better and healthier lives. Fasting can also be a lifelong tool in nearly everyone’s healthy toolbox—a “biohack,” as we mentioned earlier—for making sure our bodies are always working in the most primo way possible…from our joints and muscles right down (or up!) to our brain health and cognitive function
How does restricting when we eat make a difference on health? It’s something called “Intermittent energy restriction” or “intermittent fasting.”
According to many health professionals here in the United States and in the United Kingdom (which is where much of this research was first conducted and written about), intermittent fasting—often called “IF”— can help contribute to our improved brain health when we restrict calorie intake to set times of the day. And by set times, health professionals recommend fasting for 16 hours—basically, from your nighttime meal through to your first meal the next day around lunchtime—or, by limiting calorie intake to 500 or 600 calories for two days each week while eating 100 percent normally for the other five days.
Why does this method of fasting help with our longevity?
Similar to how weightlifting exhausts our muscles and causes them to shred and stretch before growing back harder-faster-stronger, when we push our bodies and cells to the edge of what they can handle—in a controlled way, mind you—our biological systems strengthen and learn to handle daily stressors so much better. By fasting, we are actually able to grow and improve our brain function. And frankly, that’s something that many doctors wouldn’t have believed even 10 or 15 years ago. And when cold-pressed juice (preferably vegetable juice, since it is much lower in sugar than fruit-centric recipes) is a part of someone’s IF regimen, whether you drink only juice for two days each week or you incorporate the greenest juice you can stomach for even just one meal during your day’s proverbial “eight hours of eating,” there’s no better way to flood your bod with the nutrients you need to think clearly, move swiftly, and live your healthiest life.
So if your life goals include things like…
1) Increased energy
2) Mental clarity
3) Eliminating food cravings
4) Achieving your body’s natural weight
5) Mood enhancement
6) Longevity
…our fave way to push our body’s cells toward wellness is with the greenest, most low-sugar juice we can get our lips on.
Fasting has been a game changer for a lot of people, but don’t take our word for it. Do your own research. Biohack away! See how good you can feel by replacing a few meals each week with green juice, or even by drinking only juice a few days each week. We think you’ll see, that fasting for any duration is a biohack you can live with…for a long, long time.