Before you bees even ask, no, we did NOT feature LeAndria Holliday in December beecause her name is crazy coincidental with the reason for the season. But it’s a nice bonus.
Instead, we featured her beecuase TJS District Manager Amber Cariker knows this beeautiful beauty for her daily visits to The Rose; her stellar smile and attitude; annnnd all those daily visits to The Rose…as in, Holliday buys juice and nut milk from TJS on the reg.
Committed to a healthy diet that gives her the proverbial juice to fuel her brainy work as a credit consultant with Financial Education Services, Holliday is as passionate about steering people down a healthy financial path as she is getting folks on board with cold-pressed you-know-what.
Wholehearted, positive, and decidedly hooked on buying not making juice (#nojudgmentgirl), bees like Holliday give TJS all the feels about pressing the best stuff we can at this festive—daresay holliday—time of year and all year ’round.
Meet LeAndria.
All About LeAndria
I’ve lived in Las Vegas since…I was born. 😉
I can remember when I decided I wanted to start my adult life here. It was the year…1990: When I was born. (Haha!)
In my experience, the biggest misconception about living in Las Vegas is… that the only entertainment is on the Las Vegas Strip. There is fun in a lot of local areas, as well.
The thing I secretly (or not-so-secretly) love most about living here is… that there are actually so many things to do locally in Las Vegas besides going to the Strip. (Shhh: Don’t tell the tourists!)
If I had to pick a daily mantra or a quote I try to live by, it would be…“All progress takes place outside of your comfort zone.” I feel this is important simply because without taking the first step you have no idea how things will turn out.
A favorite Vegas spot that never gets old to me is… The Juice Standard. (Did you have to ask?)
If I had to pick a theme song for my life it would be… Eminem’s Phenomenal. Whether I’m going to the gym or no matter what mood I’m, in this song makes me feel INVINCIBLE.
As a grown up, I work with numbers; but when I was a little girl, when I grew up I wanted to be…a talk show host.
People who inspire me every day are…Les Brown and Tony Robbins.
…and the way they inspire me is this: Their drive and motivation are out of this world! [So is the] way they can confidently speak and move an entire room with their words.
Something people would be surprised to know about me is…I’m all about progression and working. I sometimes forget to have fun.
My favorite way to volunteer or to give back to my community is…feeding the homeless at shelters here in Las Vegas.
About LeAndria’s Work
When people ask me about the kind of work I do, this is what I tell them: I help and consult others with fixing their credit reports.

LeAndria Holliday credits juice for giving her the energy and health to do the work she loves. (Credit. Heh. See what we did there? We drink juice, too.)
What prompted me to go into finance was… I felt credit is something everybody needs, and so many are still misinformed on how it works, how to make it better and how to maintain it. Through this job I am able to help and inspire others.
My first business mentor was…James Hsu.
…and this is what I learned from him: He taught me how to learn who I am; [choose] what I wanted to do; and become a successful entrepreneur!
The most surprising thing I’ve learned about myself through my work is… I absolutely love meeting new people! And I talk a lot so the fact that I could be a chatterbox and still help other makes me thrive!
…and, the thing I’m most proud of is… I have a job where I can travel and see new people and places all the time.
True or false: If you’re bad at math, you won’t be good with a budget. FALSE. Anyone can stick to a budget if they really want to. Just need a little discipline and something that motivates to stick with it.
The best financial advice I received as a young woman was…invest in something…but don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
The advice I’d give my younger work self is…to RELAX. Be anxious for nothing.
My advice to someone who feels like they’re inherently bad with money is this: “Fail to plan. Plan to fail.” Look and see where your money is going. Draw up a realistic budget you’re comfortable with and you’ll see that you’ll be ahead of your money in no time.
The new years’ words of encouragement I’d give someone who is looking to get their financial house in order in 2018 are these: It’s never too late to start! No matter how bad you think your situation is, it’s never too late to start over and turn your life around.
About LeAndria and Health in Las Vegas
In my opinion, the biggest change in Las Vegas’ healthy-living scene in the last few years has been…Juice! I feel more people now are looking for healthy alternative outside of the Dr’s office. Juice taste great and its also an prevention method to get your daily nutrition in.
No matter how busy I get at work, this is what I do to make sure I eat well during the week: I’m always conscious about what I’m eating. I usually Plan ahead or meal prep.
The fruit(s) or vegetable(s) you’ll always find in my kitchen are…avocado, PINEAPPLE and lemon.
My don’t-even-think-about-judging-me-guilty-pleasure food is…a Honey Natado, exxxxtra honey please. There was a time where I was drinking this every day! Whew. Luckily, The Juice Standard is a judge-free zone.
The health habit that gets me teased the most is…drinking juice! But I love it. And I am always advocating the goodness it brings to your health. Some people just see it as salad in a bottle but it’s so much more than that.
LeAndria on Juice
The person who introduced me to cold-pressed juice was…The Juice Standard. In the beginning, when the store first opened, I got a BEE MAGNIFICENT every day and didn’t even look at the juices. I only cared about what was sweet…until one day I tried a BEE ON POINT. And I said, “Hey I can do this! This is YUM!” And from then on I would still get the nut milk but also a juice to start my day.
The first time I drank green juice, I thought it was…great! It shocked me because, naturally, you’re like: “If it’s healthy it doesn’t taste so good.” But I was definitely in for a surprise.
The reason I drink cold-pressed juice today is because…it’s adding more value to my life and it taste great.
This is how I incorporate cold-pressed juice into my lifestyle: Except for when I’m traveling, I literally go to The Juice Standard every day. (Yes: Every day.) I feel the company does the hard part for you and it’s already bottled up and ready to drink.
Yes or No: “I love juice so much I make it at home.” NOOOOOO! (LOL) I tried making it a couple times at home but it was a disaster. I found carrot purée everywhere in my kitchen.
True or false: “Making juice at home is a royal pain in the tail.” False. But it definitely requires time and patience sent from the Juice Gods. 😉
The reason I like TJS’s cold-pressed juice is because…they are very dense in nutrients. The company knows the perfect combo of fruits and veggies to make it taste AMAZING.
My advice to a newbee juicer is…don’t give up. Your palate is most likely used to high carbs and processed food. Once your palate is re-set, cold-pressed juice tastes like a dream!