For two weeks, I spent my vacation time at The SnowMansion, north of Taos, New Mexico, for a permaculture design course. Permaculture—derived from the two words “permanent” and “agriculture”—is a philosophy based on the concept of producing an abundance of food in a manner that won’t run out while at the same time, creating little or no waste. It’s derived from the template of nature: she produces in abundance, and rarely produces waste…for the benefit of us all.
Check out Paul Stamens TED Talk, “Nine Ways Mushrooms will Save the World.” Did you know that mushrooms have taken over Chernobyl? The Albert Einstein School of Medicine finds that mushrooms, “have the capacity to use radioactivity as an energy source for making food and spurring their growth.” (Nuclear waste-metabolizing FUNGUS. Is that not insane!? Nature….)