The numero uno compliment we hear from fanbees (after folks shine on our recipes, natch) is about our customer service…and if there’s a worker bee beehind the counter who takes his making-people-happy skillz cray serious, it’s this guy.
A Las Vegas native who chose to make the city his forever home (and yes, there’s a goodly lot), Malik Hansbrough has brought more than his youth and vibrancy to his post at The Juice Standard. Working both sides of the counter both making product and serving it, Hansbrough is a head-down hard worker… but this youngest of six sibs and longtime church volunteer really shines when his mission is working with customers…leading them (as he poetically puts it), “on a journey of delicious and organic fuel for the body.”
And the former green-juice face-maker now proselytizes more than just the morals he was raised with: Seeing juice as a path toward total wellness has helped Hansbrough change his old wicked dining ways. A jokester who doesn’t hide the things that make him happy (Walmart’s really your fave place, Dude?), we here at TJS are grateful to have such a mindful, wholehearted bee in our corner to preach the good word of good health…which we all know is available to anyone and erryone, one Singleton at a time.
Praise bee to Malik. Meet him.
All About Malik
I’ve lived in Las Vegas since… July 7, 1993, because I was born here.
I can remember when I decided I wanted to start my adult life here. It was…the year 2011, directly after I finished high school
…and what appealed to me about living in Vegas was…the fact that this place is my home, and home is where the heart is. I could never see myself living anywhere else but good old Vegas.
In my experience, the biggest misconception about living in Las Vegas is…that we only have the Strip to offer. Somehow, tourists have the idea that all the citizens of Las Vegas live in one of the many hotels on the Strip.
The thing I secretly (or not-so-secretly) love most about living here is...the size of this place: It is very small, which is great on gas: Nothing is out of reach since you don’t have to drive more than 30 minutes to get anywhere in the city.
If I had to pick a daily mantra or a quote I try to live by, it would be...“Fear God and keep his commands.”
A favorite Vegas spot that never gets old is…Walmart. It has everything I could ever want in life and more.
If I had to pick a theme song for my life it would be…the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers theme song, without a moment’s hesitation.

Malik and his wife, heading toward some quality time with family. Sabbath is sacred to the Hansbroughs, and in today’s busy lifecycle, it’s an admirable time-out tradition they protect so they can focus on themselves, their family and their spirits. (Naturally they *must* drink juice on Sabbath, too, right? Say we’re right, Malik!)
A person who inspires me every day is…my wife. She is my best friend and she inspires me to be a better a version of myself each and every day.
The way she inspires me is…by not letting me make excuses. She holds me to my word on everything which has molded me into the person I am today.
Something people would be surprised to know about me is…I keep the Sabbath day every single week.
This is how I like to spend my free time: Preaching God’s word to any and all who give me the opportunity. I also like to play basketball with my brothers, and spend quality time with my immediate family and my wife.
The worst hack-job pronunciation of my name I’ve ever heard is…“Moo-Lake.” (I know, it’s terrible right?)
Malik On Work
I work for The Juice Standard. When people ask me what I do, this is how I explain my job: My job is to introduce people to the unknown side of eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle. I take them on a journey of delicious organic and beautiful fuel for the body.
What appealed to me about working for TJS was...that I could be a vessel through which the extremely important knowledge of how to treat your body could be conveyed, and that I’d be able to create bonds with others through nutrition.
Since working for TJS, the most surprising thing I’ve learned about myself doing the job that I do is…how terrible my eating habits were. It was truly embarrassing.
The most exciting part about my job is…seeing people walk away happily educated and newly motivated to start a new journey in life…after experiencing just a few tastes of our product.
Best thing I’ve heard a customer say about TJS juice is…“You guys are lifesavers.”
Most awesome thing I’ve witnessed on the back-of-house staff side of working at TJS is…seeing 10 to 15 smoothies be made with love (and the same time) and presented to our guests quickly and efficiently.
When I’m not working at TJS there are other creative endeavors I love dabbling in, like…singing, writing and drawing.
The advice I’d give my younger work self is…to be the hardest worker in your establishment at all times, no matter what the circumstance.
Malik On Health In LV

Ever the volunteer, Malik (far right) is pictured with his church brothers James and Ronnie at a cleanup for Las Vegas’ City Hall Community Cleanup in 2015.
In my opinion, the biggest change in Las Vegas’ healthy-living scene in the last few years has been…the presence of organic juicing. Everyone, all of a sudden, now has taken a big interest in the juice life.
No matter how busy I get at work, this is what I do to make sure I eat well during the week: Prep my meals at home, and only eat what comes from my own living space. This is a great way for me to avoid eating fast food and sugary snacks to suppress my hunger.
The fruit(s) or vegetable(s) you’ll always find in my kitchen are...bananas, asparagus and broccoli.
My don’t-even-think-about-judging-me-guilty-pleasure food is…macaroni and cheese, straight from Mom’s kitchen.
The health habit that gets me teased the most is…exercising.
Malik On Juice
The person who introduced me to cold-pressed juice was…my best friend James Dixon.
The first time I drank green juice, I thought it was…mortifying. It was like nothing I had ever tasted before.
The reason I started drinking cold-pressed juice was because…I wanted my body to perform to the best of its ability.
The reason I kept drinking cold-pressed juice was because…I saw the results in a shockingly short amount of time and I started to find cold-pressed juice delicious.
True or False: “Making juice at home is a royal pain in the tail.” True
True or False: “A ginormous perk of my job is free juice.” True
The reason I like TJS’s cold-pressed juice is…because I know exactly what’s in it, as well as all of the health benefits. There is no fine print. We are up front about it all and promote it proudly.
My advice to a newbee juicer is…make sure to properly cleanse your body first. It’s important to get as much of the bad stuff out of there as possible and then begin the process of putting healthy juice into your body.