HPP ain’t the way to bee (for The Juice Standard) but many juiceries use the process. We don’t judge…but we do have opinions. Read below and decide for yourself what’s best for your WHealth™.

True: All that cucumbery goodness would keep in an HPP bottle for up to six weeks, but where’s the honest-to-goodness freshness in that? We don’t judge companies that use HPP…but we won’t.
Did you see today’s news about how Evolution Fresh (makers of cold-pressed juices and smoothies) is adding a bevvy of fruit and veggie juices to its already gargantuan lineup? (It’s not long. You can read it here.) This spring, five new flavors of its cold-pressed juice—plus a current flavor already in its repertoire—will join Evolution’s 42 others…but they’ll be available in smaller bottles (11 ounces vs. the 15.2 ounce-bottles they make now).
As always, juicy news of any variety gives us reason for pause because there isn’t a company on the planet that doesn’t get a little antsy when someone does something different. But instead of useless hand wringing, Evolution’s announcement gives us a perfect podium for talking about something major we think sets The Juice Standard from the rest:
We’re committed to sourcing organic, and we don’t use the process called HPP.
What’s HPP, you wonder? “High pressure processing.” It’s a technique that lets juice producers extend the shelf life of their product by up to six weeks. Now, that’s rad for sales…but honestly, TJS beelieves that juice is pretty much dead by then. And since we’ve built our biz around the premise that juice should in fact be super fresh, vital, and rich with the enzymes Mother Effen Nature intended, we’d never dream of using HPP to bottle our juice. ‘Cause like our name says…we gots standards.
In our bumblebee-humblebee opinion, HPP is something to avoid. But to be fair—because around here we beelieve in karma—we get why companies use the process. There’s also plenty of lit on the Internets about why and how this process isn’t as damaging as people like us think. But we just happen to think that our way is the best way…both for our WHealth™, and yours. No disrespect to those who do it different. It’s simply not our choice.
The juicery playground is an expansive space. Lots of options out there. Our hope is simply to be a bastion of awesome information so you can make the best decisions possible. Meantime, see you as you stock up on TJS’ raw, cold-pressed, committed-to-organics, knock-your-socks-off-tasty, badass Singleton bottles at Ft. Apache, The Rose, or The Buzz over at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.